Baggage lost at the airport? What to claim from Royal Air Maroc?

Baggage lost at the airport: what to do if Royal Air Maroc is responsible?

Nothing could be more unpleasant than being left without a suitcase at the airport. Here are the steps to follow to find it as quickly as possible and, if necessary, to be compensated.

At least one in seven travelers has had the unpleasant surprise of having their suitcase lost after an airplane flight.

Airlines have been making efforts for several years to reduce the amount of lost baggage. According to the report by the International Aeronautical Telecommunications Company (SITA), the number of incidents and routing errors has fallen by 70% over the past decade, to 5.57 bags per 1,000 passengers. In the vast majority of cases, they are found after a few days.

What to do in the event of a delay in the delivery of your luggage?

At Royal Air Maroc, we even pride ourselves on a return rate that is among the best in the world: out of 100 delayed bags, 90 are returned the next day.

The company’s baggage service as the first point of contact. So if you don’t see your suitcase on the conveyor belt upon arrival at the airport, don’t panic. You must first go to the baggage service of the airline.

After 21 days, the baggage is considered lost. The traveler must then relaunch the company’s customer service, and formalize a claim for compensation. To do this, he lists the effects present in the lost baggage, and provides all types of supporting documents: invoices, websites on which he bought the products, etc.

Compensation of up to € 1,400. The compensation ceiling is set at around € 1,400 for companies and countries that have signed the Montreal Convention. This text applies to all European companies, and, for non-European companies such as Royal Air Maroc, when the countries of departure and arrival have signed the agreement. It therefore relates to most trips.

In the rare cases where the Montreal Convention does not apply, we fall under the regime of the Warsaw Convention, which provides for compensation of approximately € 20 per kg of luggage. For your file to be processed more quickly, alerting the company via social networks is extremely effective.

Check your payment card or home insurance options

It is also possible to obtain additional indemnities, thanks to insurance. There is insurance built into some payment cards, such as American Express or Visa Premier, which can cover essential purchases, such as glasses.

You can also be compensated if you have taken out the travel insurance option with your home insurance, or with the airline when you bought the plane ticket.

Three weeks is the time it will usually take to find a lost suitcase.

On the way out, everything is going well, but on the way back, a bad surprise awaits them. at the arrival airport, one of the two suitcases does not appear on the conveyor belt. You must therefore go to the baggage service of Royal Air Maroc, the Moroccan company that we had borrowed, to complete a declaration form and report your lost baggage.

Compensation granted to passengers if their luggage is damaged

You have just collected your luggage when you get off the plane and you notice that your suitcase is damaged, that your luggage is damaged. You can file a complaint with the airline.

The carrier is responsible for the good condition of the baggage

The applicable text in this matter is the Montreal Convention of May 28, 1999 laying down the international rules on liability in the event of accidents for international air transport. It was signed by the European Union, which also adopted the provisions of the convention by Regulation (EC) n ° 889/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 13, 2002.
The carrier’s obligation regarding the condition of the baggage

The carrier, that is to say the airline from which you buy your tickets, is responsible for the good condition of the luggage entrusted to it, from the check-in counter to the luggage conveyor at the exit of the ticket. ‘plane.

Any damage occurring during this period is attributable to him and the traveler is entitled to claim compensation for the damage caused by the damage to his luggage.

It should be noted here that this only concerns checked baggage. Cabin baggage remains the responsibility of the passenger who must keep it close to him and ensure that it is properly stowed on board the aircraft.

Any claim relating to baggage must be addressed to the airline within 7 days of the damaged baggage being collected.

The amount of compensation for damaged or damaged baggage

The maximum compensation payable to passengers whose luggage has been damaged depends on the origin and destination of the flight. The amount of compensation is capped at € 1,250 for:

– flights operated by a company from the European Union, countries of departure and destination indifferent;

– flights within the European Union, regardless of the airline operating the flight.

– flights departing from the European Union to one of the 120 signatory countries of the Montreal Convention, regardless of the company;

– flights to the European Union from a country signatory to the Montreal Convention, regardless of the airline.

In other cases, compensation is capped at € 20 per kilo of luggage.

In all cases, you will need to justify the amount you are claiming from the airline company, in particular by providing invoices and photos.

Lost luggage: how to track your luggage?

Who has never been afraid of losing their luggage when traveling? This is particularly true for air baggage: Europe holds the world record for lost suitcases with 7 bags lost per 1000 passengers, compared to 5.6 worldwide … which nevertheless represents one bag lost every 3 seconds, half of which in transit.

It is almost worse when traveling by train or bus, the company is only responsible for the theft of luggage if it has been checked in: this is very rarely the case, whereas these luggage thefts in France seem to be increasing steadily. How to find a lost suitcase? How can you stop losing your things or have them stolen? The solution exists: you need suitcases with tracking (baggage tracking system).

Why track your luggage?

Luggage tracking is an operation to install a tracer in your luggage, to find its exact position in the event of theft or loss. Whether you are a business or leisure traveler, losing your luggage or having a suitcase stolen is always an unpleasant or traumatic experience.

This is all the more true for the professional traveler, because his luggage is often an extension of his professional activity, on the one hand because it can contain professional equipment, and on the other hand because it contains clothes allowing him to ” properly play a representative role: arriving at a professional meeting in dirty clothes following the theft of suitcases would be of the worst effect for the professional and for his company.

Tracking your luggage is therefore important for any leisure trip or any bleisure trip, especially for a responsible professional.

Three ways to track your luggage

 – The smart label

The smart tag is defined as a tag incorporating RFID chip technology with micro-antenna: this radio-identification technology makes it possible to retrieve stored data remotely. This is the same technology as that used for electric chips in pets, replacing tattooing.
In some cases, the smart label can be completed with a QR code, readable on a basic smartphone
This luggage tracer is compatible with the SITA WorldTracer standard, used by airlines around the world.

You will find several such baggage trackers on the market (TraceMe, ReboundTag, E-Lostbag®…). The smart label is so promising that airlines are embracing it. Air France will deploy this technique from 2020 with ADP, first on Roissy-CDG, and gradually on all its stopovers.
The owner of the suitcase will receive an SMS on the position of his suitcase at each stopover. Paragon ID will manufacture up to 40 million RFID tags per year for Air France: they know the transport industry well, since they also produce the Navigo Card for RATP.

For the private traveler, however, the smart label has two drawbacks:
It is fragile like a traditional tag and can be torn or torn off if it is not inside the luggage;
Geolocation is currently only possible after reading the label voluntarily, which is of no interest in the event of theft of luggage.

   – The GPS tracker

Suitcase tracking using a GPS tracker or GPS beacon uses the same technology as the trackers, allowing a person or a vehicle to be geolocated via a “tracking device”. By interrogating your smartphone, you then receive an SMS with the position and the corresponding map. There are different models that work with or without a SIM card, with or without a subscription.

A plotter without a SIM card usually does not allow real-time localization, it simply records satellite positions. To have a position in real time, you must have some form of connection: this is the case for new GPS beacons without a SIM card, communicating via networks of connected objects such as LoRaWAN. Most are in the process of being deployed but are expected to grow very quickly in the years to come.

For suitcase tracking, you should preferably choose a small, autonomous GPS tracker. Avoid using a GPS tracker with a SIM card, which is prohibited for use in airplanes, and whose roaming / connection costs abroad could be prohibitive. In addition, the legislation on lithium-metal or lithium-ion batteries requires in a number of cases to remove the battery in the hold, making a GPS tracker of this type inefficient.

This is an ideal system when you are not taking a plane, especially in Europe. It is effective in the event of luggage theft or lost luggage. Be sure to hide it, however: if the tag is out of the suitcase, it is no longer possible to track your luggage. Ultimately, this type of GPS suitcase tracker could perhaps incorporate a timer, removing the aircraft position on landing and reactivating real-time tracking.

The connected suitcase

A connected suitcase is a piece of luggage equipped with:

– a tracking device (tracer),
– a communication device (often via a smartphone),
– a battery or recharging system (power bank),
– sometimes ancillary devices (motor, scale, intelligent locking, etc.)

The smart suitcase perfectly meets the needs of tracking your luggage. Its design most often incorporates the main regulatory obligations in air transport, the use of lithium-ion batteries being more and more prohibited in the hold or strictly regulated.

The choice of an airplane connected suitcase must therefore be made mainly on three criteria:

  •  Batteries: A removable battery or standard alkaline battery operation is required.
  • Connectivity: Bluetooth should be preferred.
  • Removable GPS box: Ideally, it contains less than 100 Wh of lithium, in accordance with IATA regulations. Some companies prohibit all lithium batteries in the hold, a removable case remains a source of security.

When traveling by plane, always remember to check the airline’s regulations.

The connected suitcase remains to this day the solution of choice for tracking luggage. It can be used by plane or abroad, subject to GSM transmission: you can then follow the position of your suitcase in real time from your smartphone. This is a useful solution in the event of theft or loss of luggage.

For any other question on this subject, Royal Air Maroc invites you to inform its customer service by sending an email to the following address:, or, send a complaint form to your air carrier, at this address:

25 Replies to “Baggage lost at the airport? What to claim from Royal Air Maroc?”

  1. Ganiyat

    I bet your airline is the worse I have heard of so far. So incompetent. How can you lost a 23kg bag from Lagos to London Gatwick?!! How?!!!! You’re wicked. I have my things on there, important things and other people’s properties as well. Now I am paying for your incompetency. I will make sure to tell my colleagues and any other person that comes my way that flying with you is a nightmare and no one should ever experience it.


    I travelled on the 27th of January 2024 from Douala through Casablanca to Washington IAD.
    I checked in there luggages and none arriived in IAD……Two bags were dropped at my minesotta address a week later and i am still to recieve the last bag..The bag is a big and blue containing valuables that the loss will greatly affect me after this trip.

  3. Tanya H.

    My suitcase did not arrive on January 5th 2024, from Casablanca to MIA. I have been calling every day, responses were always the say – no idea when it will arrive but keep calling. Promises from RAM to call back – noone calls you back, noone from RAM emails you back, you have to keep calling and calling. Emails are not answered properly either. Has been over a months, the bag never showed up. Now trying to get compensation, another headache. They finally sent email offering $500, which is a slab in the face. I flew in business class, $500 does not even cover the cost of the bag.
    Terrible airline, be aware and do not use them if possible. Old planes, rude unprofessional customer service and your bags disappear.

  4. Marga

    Possibly the worst airline I know and I am a frequent traveller. They lost my 2 bags and don’t seem to care one bit about it. Simply incredible and sad at the same time.

    Unprofessional staff that haven’t got a clue and couldn’t care less.

  5. Mazen Halabi

    The RAM staff exhibits incompetence and a lack of care and support for customers, displaying carelessness and negligence. They fail to maintain professionalism, repeatedly displaying unprofessional behaviour. For example, on flights to Africa, they disregard airline policies by allowing passengers to carry 2 to 3 carry-ons each, resulting in not finding a place to put your bag over your seat. Then they take it from you and misplace it. When reaching out to their customer service, they show a lack of knowledge and cannot locate your bag despite having a receipt. I’m considering hiring a lawyer to address this issue as their strategy is to discourage customers until they relent.


    Hi I was sent back from Moscow airport after arriving Cotonou airport I never received my baggage 2 badges one 15kg and the other 37kg 0147 B LIMITED EDITION D OSARUMWENSE/OSA 100CT23 AT/08 2/37 кг COO 637483

  7. Laraichi Yasmin

    On october 10,2023 My flight from Bucarest,Romania connecting to Istanbul,turkish then last stop at Casablanca,Morocco.
    I lost my baggage and there is a lot of expensive stuff there today is october 22,2023 and still don’t have any information about my baggage
    The bag is peach and i khow everything that is inside the bag.

  8. Oteng Acheampong

    Hi, I travelled on 6th Oct, 2023 from Accra to London Heathrow via Casablanca with my family, I checked in a total of 12 bags but on our arrival at Heathrow airport none of our bags arrived. I logged a complaint at the baggage lost desk. I was called 3 days later that my bags have arrived, but one bag has spoilt items with scent hence can’t be delivered. The one bag was agreed upon to be destroyed. remaining 11 bags, when the bags were delivered to me it was 10 bags leaving 1 bag behind. I have called the office several times to get the one bag to me but no success. The bag is ping hard suite case with zip. I have all my 12 tags and have shared all the numbers in a email but no one is responding to me. This is very frustrating and very bad customer experience.
    Kindly attend to my request and look for my bag for me else provide me an alternative solution.

  9. C L L

    On Aug 13,2023 My flight from LAX USA, connecting to Miami, to Casablanca Morocco, then last stop to Oujda. I arrived Monday Aug 14, 2023 in Oujda clear passport office and headed to baggage area to claim my luggage. Well guess what, my 4 checked luggage from LAX USA check and sent through to Oujda to include 2 cooler bag with frozen perishables food item was not on RAM flight from Casablanca for me to pickup from baggage area. I literally went into panic mode. I file a claim right away, it took me some time to find the baggage claim area as I was sent to different area of the airport, and I can say with outright confidence that the workers at the airport don’t give a diddle squat that a passenger who just arrive at Oujda airport AFTER 22 hours flight, luggage has been delayed or lost. In my opinion I notice that they have such negative don’t give a damn attitude. And worse because of a language issues, I speak English, they speak French and Arabic I can tell they were not even trying to listen about my most concern about my 2 perishable cooler bags with frozen food, even if they understood some English. I reported my luggage missing was given a claim code slip, and was told they will send information to locate my luggage and will call me.

    Today Wednesday August 16, 2023 3 days gone still not a word from RAM or Casablanca airport. I can truthfully say Oujda airport workers need better training for their airport staff with better customer service to deal with travelers passing through their airports everyday and after losing their luggage. One associate was actually sitting talking privately on her phone and just ignore me. I’m very afraid now it’s been 3 days and frozen gel pack in both cooler has melted so is all the frozen meat and seafood, n other perishables items will end up in the garbage when they do locate my luggage or if they don’t.
    Very disappointed traveler

  10. Jeaniffer M Mullen

    Lost 2 luggage’s on July 26th flight Dulles to Madrid with layover in Morocco, filed a complaint on 7/14/23 and has never got any updates thus far… Customer service extremely unknowledgeable and unhelpful, in person staff at the ticketing in the airports (both Madrid and Dulles) does not care nor pay any attention..
    Very disappointed in this Airline, would not fly nor recommend to anybody at this time after having this traumatic experience…

  11. Asemota victory

    Flew from Lagos Nigeria to Casablanca then Bologna Italy 17th of Bologna Airport i have declared my bag missing up till this very moment i haven’t gotten a response from royal air maroc.

  12. Ahsan Ahmed

    How are you I wanted to go from dubai to lisbon and my visa was expired and I was given a deport badge from Morocco back to dubai and I didn’t get my bag and I came back to Pakistan my bag is in dubai please if you buy my bag in dubai Hand it over to the PIA office

    • Ahsan Ahmed

      How are you I’m travelling to royal air maroc AT 980 and 10th Jan 2023 I’m back to AT 246 wanted to go from dubai to lisbon and my visa was expired and I was given a deport badge from Morocco back to dubai and I didn’t get my bag and I came back to Pakistan my bag is in dubai please if you buy my bag in dubai Hand it over to the PIA office

  13. Eliza Clark rotter

    Today is April 28,2022, Royal Air Moroc called me on 09 April to tell me that my luggage had been found in JFK New York , New York you asked for my luggage check number, my ticket information and my passport number. You also ask for my phone number, email address and home address. I was told my luggage would be sent to my home address.
    WHERE IS MY LUGGAGE ? I WANT MY LUGGAGE! You are a very poorly run airline and I am a very disappointed customer. I am going to file a complaint with the FFA.

    • BANO

      On 14 Of JULY i was travelling through Royal Air morroc flights AT 911 and AT 285 but ive lost my luggage and was initiating on line complaints and also complaining on messenger but they are not responding..
      Poor service and ignorance which ive received from them.. please anyone 🙏 here can help me out finding my baggage.. TIA

  14. Eliza Clark rotter

    I am so tired of trying to get my luggage back. The # of my claim is CMNAT91551 it was SUPPOSE TO GO Casablanca I was told on April 9,2022 that my luggage which was lost on 18 march 2022 was found but no one is getting my luggage back to me. I was told that it was at JFK in New York New York USA . Please send my luggage to me at 161 SE Pope Ave Madison ,FL. USA .

  15. iwannegbe omorodion

    dear royalairlmaroc on the 26th febuary 2022 with ticket num 147241785611801 to madrid uptill now one of my bag is missing with MADAT42439/ 26 FEB 22/1809GMT. my content are 10 pairs of trausercost 300 euro (2)10 pairs of POLO cost 20 euro total 200euro (3) two welding cloth for for the man cost 250euro and for the wife 400euro (4) giogio amani each 45 total 90euro 20 pairs of shoes cost 8.10 euro 160euro TOTAL cost is 1400.1

  16. Hasnaa

    you have lost my baggage at the Madrid Barajas airport since february the 26th, I have filed a report at the airport and called numerous times to collect and track my baggage but to no avail, every single time I call the Royal Air Maroc staff here in Germany I am told the exact same thing, “sorry in the system it shows ur case is closed”, first we were told it arrived at the FRankfurt airport but after going there and inspecting EVERY baggage at the claim baggage area and finding nothing I was told that it is still in Madrid..I am so upset and so disappointed. this was my first and definitely my last time flying with is sad because the staff on board were great and I enjoyed the flight.

  17. Dembo Jatta

    I was on Royal A Maroc flight AT 778 to Paris (Charles De Gaulle) Terminal 1 0n the 7 Nov. 2021. AS Royal Air Moroc could not fly me back to UK I have arranged with them to fly me to Paris where I have booked a flight to bring me to the UK but since I have not got a visa for France I was unable to go out to get my luggage to check it in with my next flight which is Easy Jet .I tried everything at the airport but could not have access to collect my luggage. Can Royal Air Maroc help to see that my luggage is send to London Gatwick airport as I believed the luggage is still in Paris Charles De Gaulle airport.

      • Oki Oluwashina

        I lost my bag and I’ve been calling massaging your organization, I board from muritala airport Nigeria going to united kingdom then we have stop over in Casablanca, I have six bag unfortunately when we got to Heathrow airport I saw 4 bags out of the 6 bags then I complain to your service provider at airport, he gave me a form to fill that how many bags remaining then I wrote two bags but what surprise me is that they delivered one out of the two and they are telling me I only have one Bag with them , which i wrote two bags in the form given to me at Heathrow airport which is black and blue bag , the only delivered black bag and they are telling me that is the only bag I have with them , please let them provide the form I fill at the airport for the lost of my bags to know if I’m lying , this bag very important to my life all my documents are inside this bag which is blue bag and I know everything that is inside the ba.

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