Is it possible to travel with additional baggage on an Air Arabia Maroc flight?

Discover Air Arabia Maroc’s additional baggage allowance purchase service

Regarding the flight, hand luggage is included for all participants from 2 years old. Their maximum weight may vary depending on the airline. The conditions for each company can be found in the detailed information.

You can reserve your checked baggage in advance before your departure.

If you have unconventional luggage (surfboard, bike, etc.), you can indicate this when booking online. If you indicate this when making your reservation, an Air Arabia Maroc customer service employee will contact you to book it with you. If you want to add it later, be sure to contact customer service. They can help you book it.

Your baggage summary appears on your travel documents. If you have more luggage than expected on the day of your departure, you will need to pay an additional charge on site at the airport.

How do you purchase additional checked baggage after check-in?

Sometimes, it’s when you’re packing that you find that not everything will fit in the suitcase included in the ticket price. Or, we realize that we would like to take things that are not allowed in cabin baggage.

Air Arabia Maroc and most airlines offer the option of purchasing additional baggage. This additional baggage is chargeable, and specific conditions apply depending on the company on which you are traveling.

Please do not hesitate to contact Air Arabia Maroc advisers if you wish to make any changes to your reservation.

The UAE airline will help you purchase additional baggage or optimize the weight of your baggage to fit within legal limits – even after you check-in. You can also order a transport service for sports equipment (surfboard, pair of skis) if necessary, online via the Manage my Reservation section, or by phone.

Your ticket shows if you have added checked baggage for your trip. The ticket is in the booking confirmation you received by email.

If baggage is added / included, the maximum weight per check-in is usually between 20 and 23 kg.

If you want to add checked baggage later, the airline usually offers to help.

When you make a reservation, you can see if checked baggage is included. Choose a flight from the search results page and go to the next step. On most flights where checked baggage is included, it is possible to add baggage and the question is then asked. Note: Adding checked baggage is not possible on all bookings.

When you make a reservation and receive your ticket, baggage information is shown on the ticket.

All tickets include one piece of hand luggage or a smaller bag that can be taken in the cabin. The weight and size of this baggage vary depending on the airline.

Cheaper than at the counter

Additional baggage can be purchased at the airport. However, this option is chargeable and the cost varies depending on the company on which you are traveling. Buying extra baggage online is much less than at the airport.

Addition of additional baggage – Maximum price and weight authorized in the hold:

If you wish to carry checked baggage, the weight of your baggage must not exceed 20kilos. If it weighs more, for example 30 kilos You will have to add a second piece of checked baggage and thus get 20 kilos extra. You can then distribute the weight as you see fit, either by carrying a single piece of luggage of 30 kilos, or by opting for two pieces of luggage, one of which for example of 12 and another of 18.

A passenger can add up to three pieces of checked baggage and therefore carry up to sixty kilograms

Please note: Air Arabia Maroc will not accept checked baggage weighing more than 32 kilos. If you therefore have a baggage allowance of 40 kilos or 60 kilos, distribute the weights among several pieces of baggage, otherwise you may not be able to collect your baggage at the airport at the scheduled time, because it will be transported in service. freight, and additional charges will apply.

Price of additional baggage: If the addition of checked baggage and made during the reservation, it will cost you approximately 13 euros per trip or 26 euros for a return flight. If you want to drop off your checked baggage when checking in but it has not been paid for when you make your reservation, it will cost you up to 36 euros each way. If you try to board with baggage that cannot fit in the cabin, you will need to pay 56 euros in order to hold the baggage and board.

This is why it is important to be well informed about baggage allowances and to always check the weight and dimensions of your baggage before going to the airport. This will help you avoid unnecessary costs.

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